Nativity of Mary Catholic School’s mission is to “foster academic excellence and spiritual growth.” As part of this mission, students have the opportunity to join various clubs. Clubs and activities empower students to learn more about their own personal interests and strengths. Here is just a sampling of active clubs to enrich the mind and soul at Nativity. Don’t see a club that interests your child? Make a suggestion! Clubs are started based on student and family interest.
Nativity Chess Club
Students in grades 1-5.
The Chess Club is intended for beginning and intermediate chess players to learn and enhance their skills. The club meets after school on Wednesdays in the fall.
How to Contact or Join
Contact instructor Heather Christen at Heather.Christen@gmail.com if you’d like to join. Participation is limited to 16 students at this time.
Ski Club
Students in grades 4-8.
The Ski Club goes on ski/snowboard outings 4 to 5 times a winter at Buck Hill in Burnsville.
How to Contact or Join
Contact Steve Opstad at sopstad@yahoo.com if you’d like to join.
Math League
Students in grades 6-8.
Math League is a competitive math club that meets from September to early January on Mondays for practice (8:20 – 9:15 a.m.) and participates in five competitions (3:30 – 5:10 p.m.). Students compete with other students in the metro area.
How to Contact or Join
Contact Mr. Bellefeuille if you have any questions or would like to sign up.
Wednesday Morning Rosary
All Nativity students, families, and teachers
Pray the rosary before school in the main church as a spiritual family!
Join the sisters of Pro Ecclesia Sancta the last Wednesday of the month, September through May, at 8:50 a.m.
How to Contact or Join
Simply show up in church during the scheduled times.
Karate Lessons
Students in grades K-8.
Sterling Karate hosts classes in the Nativity of Mary cafeteria. They are currently scheduled for 4:00 p.m. on Tuesdays.
How to Contact or Join
Piano Lessons
Students in grades K-8.
Private piano lessons are available for a fee and are scheduled during the school day. The lessons are held in a room near the school office.
How to Contact or Join
Contact Angie Bergquist at ab88keys1@gmail.com or 763-516-7096 if you have any questions or would like to sign up.
Student Leadership Team
Students in grades 6-8.
Student Leadership instills life skills. As part of the Leadership Team, students plan service projects, assist at school and community events, and plan special events for the school.
How to Contact or Join
Interested middle school students apply to be considered for this opportunity. Talk with Mrs. Flynn or Mr. Fitzgerald to learn more.
Playground Patrol
Students in grades 6-8.
Playground Patrol students volunteer to watch over and assist students during recess.
How to Contact or Join
Interested middle school students apply to be considered for this opportunity. Talk with Mrs. Prusha to learn more.
Middle School Choir & Band
Students in grades 6-8.
Middle school students choose band or choir as their classroom music choice. In addition, extracurricular choirs perform at school concerts, school Masses, and special events.
How to Contact or Join
To learn more about choir or more about band and bells, contact Dr. Rule